Monday, August 30, 2010

Driving Miss Lazy

Supposedly my car is too difficult to get into and out of. At least for a lazy person. And by lazy, I mean pregnant. And by difficult, I mean requiring much moaning and sighing. However, when I say pregnant, I mean to say carrying my children. And it may not be so much unnecessary moaning and sighing, as it really is lower and more bucket-like than a bucket sitting on the ground. And it may not really be "carrying my children" so much as gracefully and elegantly bearing the magical burden of the fairer sex. Then, when I make the ground-bucket comparison, I have to specify that it would be an incredibly comfortable bucket with ample leg room. When I say the fairer sex, I mean women, and by incredible burden, I mean creating and bearing life.

Anyhow... as she gets bigger, we'll probably take her car more.

1 comment:

  1. One might be able to experience a small percentage of the angst contributed the burgeoning belly that accompanies having two extra living beings inside of your body by strapping on two of those pregnancy simulators. Then when you have nothing else to do on a Saturday night you could have races to see who can get in and out of your car the fastest.
