Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Looking Good

Ok, I think I'm allowed to say it:

She officially looks pregnant.

Before, it could have been a long vacation, or bad gas, or freshman year, or an awkward breakup followed by pint upon pint of Ben and Jerry's. But now, I think people are allowed to comment on the belly. To be honest, we haven't been out in public together much recently; but she went and hung out with friends and they seemed astounded by the changes. I don't see the incremental change you do if you only see her occasionally, but there are benchmarks that I'm noticing.

-She's now a member of the boobie-doo club (tummy stick out further than her boobie-do0).
-Her gait is changing.
-Her 40 yard speed is down. We'll know she's really pregnant when she goes above 5.2 sec.
-We've had to cut back her power lifting. The dead lifts and power cleans are tougher with a baby bump in the way. She's still putting up mid 300's though.
-Her vestigial tail is coming in nicely, and eating is going to be easier once the second row of teeth break through.
-Daily pot sticker ration is up.
-Melodramatic sighs have been traded for appropriately-dramatic sighs.
-We've got the illicit drug use pretty much under control. Next we move on to the alcohol addiction.