Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"I think I just had my first craving"

*Posted by Des*

Last night, Abby told me she thought she just had her first craving: Sourdough bread with mayo, cheddar and lettuce.

What didn't occur to her was that last week I made a 10:30 PM run to Taco Bell for two beef gordita supremes without tomato. Or the 9:45 Waffle. Or the mac and cheese and gummi bears.

The toughest part about Abby's combination of food desires and sensitive sense of smell is that she will decide she wants something, and it needs to materialize quickly, without smell, before she goes back to feeling mildly icky.

Silly Girl, Silly fetuses. Feti? Fetussus? Fetoosy?


  1. Haha Fetoosy. Oh Des...

    You're a good man for catering to her/their cravings though!!!

  2. Haha...she still hates tomatoes.

  3. She inherited her hate for tomatoes and I like Fetoosies, it almost sounds like something she might think about eating if it didn't have cilantro in it! That's weird!
