Friday, June 18, 2010

Back to the Land of the Living

I'm back! After losing 12 pounds in 10 days, I am now on the mend. The doctor FINALLY gave me anti-nausea medication and it works like a charm. I've had more to eat in the last two days than in the last 4 weeks. Here are a few highlights from our appointment this week:

1) I should be eating 3,500 calories a day. I know, that's a lot.

2) In those 3,500 calories, I should be getting 175 grams of protein per day. There is almost no humanly possible way to do this without protein shakes...

There was a lot more information, but I'm still working through it in my head. It basically consisted of all of the things that may happen between now and birth, all of the procedures they may/may not have to do (like stitching my cervix closed, ouch!), and what kinds of things to expect after the babies are born. They also gave us a list of all of the support classes that the hospital offers for parents of multiples. So, our next few months will be spent learning as much as we can.

On a different note, I only have 1 1/2 days of work left until summer break! The district admin. finally gave us our placements for next school year. I had requested that I be at one school, instead of four, anticipating that it will be very difficult for me to move once the school year starts in the fall. They ended up giving me ONE middle school, which I'm thrilled about! And, it's an early start school, so I'm done by 2:30 every day!


  1. I'm so glad your feeling better! Now maybe you can think about how exciting this all is and not be only thinking about how urpy you are. This is an exciting time! I'm glad you got the one school gig, it will be a lot easier on you than trying to bounce from school to school everyday. Be sure and get your rest, love you, Mom

  2. Mmmm...I sort of want to eat all those calories for you!
