Friday, June 11, 2010

Huzzah for homeopathy

*posted by Des*

I'm not sure about the intra-pregnancy view, but the extra-pregnancy view is that the morning sickness is a bit more bearable.

Solutions for morning sickness:

Preggie Pops: Vitamin B6 suckers and hard candies, seemed to taste alright and they're tart, which seemed desirable.

Acupressure bracelet: a sweatband with a plastic nipple that presses on the inside of your wrist. Besides looking like she's stylishly always about to go for a jog, they seem to have some effect. They're leaving little sore bruises where they push though.

Ginger Ale (with real ginger): Abby doesn't like ginger, but I thought maybe the ginger ale would temper it enough to make it bearable. The exchange went something like this-

Abby: I don't like ginger.
Des: But it's ginger ale, maybe that's better.
Abby: *sniffs opening, grimaces and looks at me as if I just offered to poop on her birthday cake*
Des: Don't be a wuss, ginger helps with nausea. It's science fact, I think.
Abby: *take a sip*
Abby: Oh god.
Abby: *waves her hands at her mouth while standing up on the couch Tom Cruise-esque, grabs her water and downs about half a nalgene*
Abby: No, thank you.

Symptoms are not completely abated, but at least she kept down some toast and was hungry enough for mac and cheese and Top-Ramen.

She felt the babies flutter yesterday morning. Or it could have been a muscle spasm. Either way, that's pretty cool. I'm excited for when I get so see some movement. With my genes, they'll probably learn to high five me through her belly.


  1. Well, if she can get her Tom Cruise on standing on the couch...she MUST be feeling better. Keep up the excellent work, Des.

  2. Turns out, I was wrong. She still felt like crap, just getting better at hiding it.

  3. I promise this will pass. How about Skittles, they use to be a favorite. If she can stand it a nice head massage always worked wonders for all sorts of things when she was younger. Thanks again Matt for taking such good care of my baby, who's taking such good care of your babies.
