Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ok, so it's not just me.

We went to a multiples class this morning. It was lead by a nurse and tailored more to the specific experience of having a multiple pregnancy than a normal birthing class. I got the impression that it was a bit more focused on C-sections and the hospital experience.

There were 5 couples in the class, including us; but in the next room was a class for the singleton parents to be. That class had around 30 couples, I would estimate. Somehow, looking longingly into that classroom, I noticed that all those parents to be seemed to fit more of the typical stereotypes than our class. they had the 25 year old yoga instructor that's going to run a half marathon four days after giving birth. They had the lady that could be on "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." They had the husband who looks clumsy and wildly inept. The mother who came with her daughter, because the "dirt-bag who did this to my little baby wasn't man enough to own up to it." I even saw a wealthy gentleman/trophy wife pair.

Our class had two archetypes:
Men- "Of course I'm excited to have 2 kids, this is going to be the greatest thing in the world, but I'm a little overwhelmed and how fast this is happening."
Women- "I'm tired, hungry, a little crazy, and have read way too much WebMD."

We only did one icebreaker, the men went to one side of the room, and the ladies to the other. I guess the ladies talked about how they're having lots of similar experiences, and the ins and outs of their daily routines. The men had to answer two questions: 1. What's your favorite thing about her being pregnant? and 2. What's the worst thing so far?

Number 1 went like this:
Guy 1: So, the best this so far is.... uh... well, she spends more time..... no....
Rest of Guys: *chuckle*
Guy 1: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm happy we're having kids...
Guy 2: Of course.
Guy 3: Totally, me too.
Guy 1: I guess the best part is that she feels guilty that she can't help out more around the house. So when I play xbox she feels like I've earned it and leaves me alone.
Rest of Guys: *Laugh*

Number 2 went roughly like this:
Guy 1: The worst part is.... Well, I can't do anything right.
Guy 2: I tried to cook an onion and she asked if I was boiling vomit.
Guy 3: I asked if she wanted quilted toilet paper, and somehow that was translated as "Have I told you that your mother is a whore?"
Guy 4: I was instructed to make the washing machine spin the other way, because I guess our towels are getting parallelogram shaped.
Guy 5: Somehow, I was reading too loud. Not reading out loud, just reading.

Then, the group took a little break so the APC's could disembark on the porcelain beaches of the lavatory. Then when we came back we watched some videos of what a c-section birth looks like. It's gross. Like, a normal birth is pretty icky, but those were an intriguing blend of Nip/Tuck and Aliens Versus Predator. However, it explained a scar I've seen on more than one exotic dancer. God bless single mothers.

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