Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"I think I just had my first craving"

*Posted by Des*

Last night, Abby told me she thought she just had her first craving: Sourdough bread with mayo, cheddar and lettuce.

What didn't occur to her was that last week I made a 10:30 PM run to Taco Bell for two beef gordita supremes without tomato. Or the 9:45 Waffle. Or the mac and cheese and gummi bears.

The toughest part about Abby's combination of food desires and sensitive sense of smell is that she will decide she wants something, and it needs to materialize quickly, without smell, before she goes back to feeling mildly icky.

Silly Girl, Silly fetuses. Feti? Fetussus? Fetoosy?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Back to the Land of the Living

I'm back! After losing 12 pounds in 10 days, I am now on the mend. The doctor FINALLY gave me anti-nausea medication and it works like a charm. I've had more to eat in the last two days than in the last 4 weeks. Here are a few highlights from our appointment this week:

1) I should be eating 3,500 calories a day. I know, that's a lot.

2) In those 3,500 calories, I should be getting 175 grams of protein per day. There is almost no humanly possible way to do this without protein shakes...

There was a lot more information, but I'm still working through it in my head. It basically consisted of all of the things that may happen between now and birth, all of the procedures they may/may not have to do (like stitching my cervix closed, ouch!), and what kinds of things to expect after the babies are born. They also gave us a list of all of the support classes that the hospital offers for parents of multiples. So, our next few months will be spent learning as much as we can.

On a different note, I only have 1 1/2 days of work left until summer break! The district admin. finally gave us our placements for next school year. I had requested that I be at one school, instead of four, anticipating that it will be very difficult for me to move once the school year starts in the fall. They ended up giving me ONE middle school, which I'm thrilled about! And, it's an early start school, so I'm done by 2:30 every day!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Huzzah for homeopathy

*posted by Des*

I'm not sure about the intra-pregnancy view, but the extra-pregnancy view is that the morning sickness is a bit more bearable.

Solutions for morning sickness:

Preggie Pops: Vitamin B6 suckers and hard candies, seemed to taste alright and they're tart, which seemed desirable.

Acupressure bracelet: a sweatband with a plastic nipple that presses on the inside of your wrist. Besides looking like she's stylishly always about to go for a jog, they seem to have some effect. They're leaving little sore bruises where they push though.

Ginger Ale (with real ginger): Abby doesn't like ginger, but I thought maybe the ginger ale would temper it enough to make it bearable. The exchange went something like this-

Abby: I don't like ginger.
Des: But it's ginger ale, maybe that's better.
Abby: *sniffs opening, grimaces and looks at me as if I just offered to poop on her birthday cake*
Des: Don't be a wuss, ginger helps with nausea. It's science fact, I think.
Abby: *take a sip*
Abby: Oh god.
Abby: *waves her hands at her mouth while standing up on the couch Tom Cruise-esque, grabs her water and downs about half a nalgene*
Abby: No, thank you.

Symptoms are not completely abated, but at least she kept down some toast and was hungry enough for mac and cheese and Top-Ramen.

She felt the babies flutter yesterday morning. Or it could have been a muscle spasm. Either way, that's pretty cool. I'm excited for when I get so see some movement. With my genes, they'll probably learn to high five me through her belly.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ok babies, I get the point

*posted by Des*

OK, I'll admit it. I thought the morning sickness thing was kind of funny. Abby would get a funny look on her face; like she had a bite unexpected jalapeno: concerned, surprised, and just a little displeased. Then she's let the offending food out.

Now, she's just pathetic. Feeling/looking miserable, not sleeping well, crampy, and not eating as much, because it won't stay down. I think we're blaming Baby A right now. Baby B is probably egging A on though.

You know how when a tree puts down roots, and it pushes up the sidewalk and breaks the concrete. That's what's happening in Abby's abdomen.

Monday, June 7, 2010

It begins.

*posted by Des*

Via Text:

Abby: Will you bring me home sweet tarts, strawberries, and green grapes?

Monday Morning Sickness

*posted by Des*

This morning's conversation:

Matt: "Good morning. Would you like me to make you something for breakfast, my darling incubator?"
Abby: "Gross"

I walk out to make myself breakfast and feed/potty the dogs. When I return she's sitting on the lid of the toilet, looking like she's doing long division in her head.

Matt: "Are you waiting for me to finish with the toothbrush?"
Abby: "Grunt" *hops up and goes to the other bathroom*
Doc: -Dog whine-
Abby: *Blech* "damn babies. This sucks."

Friday, June 4, 2010

This is real

As most of you know by now, we are expecting twins. Yesterday, we had our third ultrasound. We were a little worried because "vanishing twins" are common before the 10th week, but everything looked "perfect" according to the doctor. This was such good news.

On the other hand, we started to have a discussion about all of the things that we need to plan for. First, the twins are sharing one placenta. This means they're identical. It also means there is a 1/6 chance that they will have a complication called "Twin-to-twin Transfusion". This is a condition that occurs when one twin takes all of the blood and nutrition from the other. Because this is a possibility, I am now strictly a patient of the perinatologist (high risk OB/GYN), Dr. Wall. I will have ultrasounds every month until 16 weeks, every 2 weeks until 28 week, and every week after that.

He also told me to prepare for the very real possibility that I will be on bedrest, either at home or in the hospital, from 26-28 weeks on (which is October). Best case scenario is that I deliver at 37 weeks(Christmas Eve)and I'm not on bedrest. Either way, it is a mandatory c-section because all of the blood can be squeezed from baby a to baby b during a traditional delivery.

So, besides being violently ill during all waking hours, I am trying my best to enjoy the free time that I still have left.

I will put our ultrasound picture up soon.