Monday, February 7, 2011

How to Compose Yourself

Recently, we've come to the conclusion that children shouldn't get in the way of our busy social lives. The culmination of this realization is that we dragged them cooing and pooing to a Superbowl party. Those girls know how to party.

I didn't expect it at all, but they were all about the crowd, just couldn't get enough. Doing body shots, eating pizza-dip; they got so drunk they crapped themselves. Both of 'em. I mean that's a major party killer right there.

Picture this, but more socially acceptable.

I suppose we're going to have to go over some of the basic party rules with them.
-No fallen soldiers
-If you spill it, you should make at least a halfhearted attempt to look like you plan on cleaning it up. Patting it with a bare hand, while looking around plaintively, is the bare minimum.
-No double dipping. This hasn't been much of an issue, but it's always good to remind people.
-Try not to pass out on anyone. This was a big issue.

To be honest, they were awesome little munchkins. They didn't cry hardly at all. They used some pretty creative anti-steeler insults. And they didn't have any major freak-outs. We just set up their pillows in a corner and plopped them down on the floor. I don't' think they got stepped on more than a couple times. Plus, Abby got the chance to have more than one beer for the first time in almost a year.

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