Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good News and Bad News

The bad news:
There are so many things about pregnancy and child-care that people just don't mention. THe topic of current times is that babies are bad at digestion. You know that cute face babies make when their pooping? Yeah, that's because it's painful. Everytime you, as an evil parent, force them to eat, their digestive system hurts.

Then, this discomfort peaks at about 6-8 weeks. That's where we are. So there's two babies, in the most gastro-intestinal distress they have ever experienced, and then there's another gem. Their milk-laden guts can just get bound up, and they might not poop for up to seven days. Let me tell you, if I was corking it for seven days, I doubt my demeanor would be pleasant. So Monday, they cried. A lot. Then they pooped. A lot. The adjectives I would have to use to describe some of the atrocities are usually reserved for horror movie monsters, and natural disasters. Things like surging, explosive, and demonic.

And Hug-able.

If you read that pokemon's powers, that's basically what it's like: "what is that smell? Oh, you reshuffled him into your pants."

The good news:
We slept for a solid five hours last night. We bought new basinets for both girls and their much more willing to pass out in them. That meant less baby-night-holding. It also meant I had a good chance to have my advanced brutally rebuffed.

Headache, huh? Why? It's not like you were holding a screaming infant with a veritable gut-geyser stopped up for eleven hours today.

But, life is becoming something resembling normal again. Normal has changed, but we can make plans and do something other than wait for a feeding now.

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