Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I'm afraid that we've both been under siege by the babies a little too much for me to come up with anything creative, witty, or inciteful. So, I figured we should just keep everyone posted on what's been going on.

The Battle of Slumber Hill
The city of Sleepytown, USA is under a trade blockade by the armies of the Twin Federation. (Before I forget, the girls have unionized and formed a trading conglomerate) Nightly shipments of rest are being intercepted and re-purposed to sinister means. Fortunately, the leadership of Sleepytown (Abby and I, it's an oligarchy)has made some progress in the form of black market nap dealings. The blockade is unlikely to fall anytime soon, and we hope that moral can hold.

Pictured: A Butt-Smuggled Heroin-Balloon of Rest.

That's the Good Shit. It'll keep you rocking for 2, maybe 3 hours.

The Big Diaper Offensive
Sleepytown's strategy has been mostly a reactive one thus far, as proactive diaper changes and burpings have proved ineffectual. There is some amount of futility to the fight. The act of diaper changing seems to wake the demon inside the Twin Federation's collective bowels. We posit that the TwiFed soldiers view a full pant-load as some sort of camouflage, psychological advantage, or body heat retention system. We have top men working on it.

Top. Men.

The Blitzkind
The TwiFed's tactics are developing and maturing at a disturbing rate. Already they are addign personality, cuteness and funny noises to their list of available options. Previously, we had only had to content with furrowed brows, crying and strange odors. According to and What To Expect and The Art of War; the standard development of an opponent is slated to include "awake time" and "rudimentary intelligence" soon. Their neural pathways are developing and forming connections at exponenial rates. Fortunately they currently lack the skill to challenge me at sports, checkers, or competitive paintball.

As a result, I'll have to give them some time to develop before I force them to earn my love. Right now they're in the grace period, where they get the love without having to put much effort into relationship management. I think the grace period usually last between 14 and 40 years.

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