Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are we there yet?

Ok girls, it's getting old.

feed, burp, change, finish feeding, put down, pick up, re-wrap, putdown, wait 1 hour. Repeat.

I appreciate that you're growing, and quickly. I understand that it's not malicious. I even think that you've, individually, been far better behaved than most babies. But seriously. You've got to bring something to the table.

I'm tired, Mom's tired, the dogs are exhausted. They've stopped responding to crying though, which is a plus. Maynard still moves to the opposite side of the bed, but he's figured out nothing is really wrong.

From reading the interwebs, I guess you're supposed to start smiling and possibly interacting slightly in the next couple weeks. That would be nice, as the closest thing we have to emotion yet is a funny head-bobble that indicates the desire for a nipple. All other emotions are indicated by a furrowed brow and slight puckering of the mouth.

About to poop: Furrow and Pucker
Happy: Furrow and Pucker
Solved world hunger: Furrow and Pucker, then tell no one the answer
Ambivalence: Pucker, then Furrow; then Furrow and Pucker, pass gas

To finish I wanted to compare these girls skill at filling a diaper to a Jackson Pollock. Complexity, layers, innovation, colors, action. They've got it all.

But with Poop. Get it?


  1. Only 18 more years until you get your home back...if you're lucky :)

  2. Hopefully the pants-pooping frequency will drop off before then.
