Monday, July 26, 2010

Cooler Heads

We spent the weekend being pretty darn productive. I worked a lot over the weekend, and Abby took the chance to relax in the cool house. Saturday was the second of the weddings. Abby's dress was a purple and gray poofy dress that was just a little too short and apparently made of wrinkle-magnets.

It was an outdoor wedding and we were sitting on the patio for dinner. Tables 5 and 6 were the "Young, Married, Rowdy Tables" and as such, we were banished to outdoors while the old fogies spent the night inside. Wine flowed and the food was delicious. Sadly, Abby still isn't eating much more than Red Robin kids' grilled cheese sandwiches and ice cream. She did eat all of my mashed potatoes though.

Midway through dinner I realized I was a bit tipsy and was informed of such by a stiff elbow to the ribs. Message received: "Remove foot, close mouth."

Sunday we picked up a new computer and a video camera to document babies and dogs and other things Des finds amusing. ooh, I wonder if it has capabilities for stop motion... if so, I totally have a new hobby.


  1. I love that you describe Abby's dresses with the same detail as her food choices.

  2. Keep 'em comin', I'm finding that following this blog is great comic relief.
